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9 Januari 2013

23 Cara Mempercepat Komputer

1. Perhatikan system requirement

System Requirement adalah kebutuhan minimum sebuah system dan program akan resources agar bisa dijalankan dan berfungsi dengan baik.
Pada os Windows 7 sendiri membutuhkan system requirement :
  • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
  • 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • 6 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver (http://windows.microsoft.com/systemrequirements)
Biasanya pada saat seseorang ingin menjalankan sebuah program jarang memperhatikan requirement minimum nya padahal point ini sangat peting untuk menjaga kinerja pc atau laptop tetap fungsional.
dengan cara mengitung kebutuhan minimum akan sebuah system operasi dan  program yang ingin kita jalankan maka pc atau laptop tetap terjaga kinerjanya. 

2. Power supply (hal ini berlaku untuk pc anda)

Ketika anda menggunakan sebuah pc,perhatikan kebutuhan asupan listrik (power) pada setiap komponen yang anda gunakan. hal ini berbeda pada laptop, karna setiap pabrikan laptop sudah mendesain sedemikian rupa untuk penggunaan power yang terdapat pada baterai.
Perhatikan setiap jumlah total ampere yang ada pada setiap slot konektor,hal ini berfungsi untuk menjaga umur setiap komponen pada pc anda.
gunakanlah power supply yang mempunyai tingkat efisiensi tinggi(biasanya berharga lebih mahal) untuk menghemat biaya listrik anda.
gunakanlah power supply yang menghasilkan daya lebih besar dari kebutuhan pc anda,agar kebutuhan daya nya tetap terjaga. anda dapat meng-ilustrasikannya pada bohlam lampu.
"ketika bohlam lampu sering kekurangan daya maka cahayanya akan redup bahkan putus/mati".

3.Nonaktifkan atau program yang tidak kita gunakan pada startup. 

Biasanya banyak aplikasi yang kita instal dengan menggunakan pengaturan default yang berjalan otomatis pada startup tanpa kita sadari.
Hal ini tentu akan memperlambat komputer anda karena aplikasi tersebut akan menggunakan resouces dari memory ram,sehingga system operasi laptop atau pc anda kekurangan resources.
Untuk itu kita bisa mematikan beberapa program yang tidak kita gunakan dengan cara membuka Task Manager (tekan berbarengan ctrl+shift+esc) lalu pilih processes,
matikan program-program yang tidak kita gunakan.cara ini efektif utuk menurunkan jumlah proses agar tidak overload.

4.Instal program anti-virus ber lisensi (berbayar)

Siapa sih yang tidak kenal virus..?
menurut om WIKI virus adalah program komputer yang dapat menggandakan atau menyalin dirinya sendiri dan menyebar dengan cara menyisipkan salinan dirinya ke dalam program atau dokumen lain.
Virus komputer dapat dianalogikan dengan virus biologis yang menyebar dengan cara menyisipkan dirinya sendiri ke sel makhluk hidup.
Virus komputer dapat merusak (misalnya dengan merusak data pada dokumen), membuat pengguna komputer merasa terganggu, maupun tidak menimbulkan efek sama sekali.
Agar sistem anda terbebas dari virus, sebaiknya instal antivirus yang berlisensi atau versi pro(berbayar).biasanya antivirus berlisensi sudah mempunyai database virus yang cukup banyak dan update sehingga kita tidak perlu khawatir terserang virus-virus jenis baru.
Jangan pernah percaya sekali pun dengan penggunaan crack atau patch untuk antivirus.
Patch atau crack bekerja dengan merusak registry sehingga menimbulkan celah keamanan pada antivirus itu sendiri.

5. Defragment harddisk

Defragment harddisk adalah menyusun ulang,mengurutkan dan merapikan data,file,dan registry pada harddisk anda.
"bayangkan jika anda mencari sebuah buku yang tidak di susun di sebuah perpustakaan yang mempunyai 1000 koleksi buku,berapa lama waktu yang anda butuhkan..?"
(hal ini juga berlaku untuk harddisk anda)
Dengan melakukan defragment akan mempermudah harddisk anda untuk mengakses file/data yang anda ingin gunakan.
Dengan data yang tersusun rapi maka waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencari data / file pada harddisk akan menjadi lebih cepat.
lakukan hal ini secara berkala,minimal 1 minggu sekali untuk penggunaan komputer setiap hari.

6. Kebersihan

Lakukan hal ini sesering mungkin,khususnya pada kipas prosesor dan juga kipas cassing.
kipas juga mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting.karena kipas yang berfungsi baik akan menjaga aliran udara tetap stabil.sehingga membantu proses pelepasan
pada panas setiap komponen agar suhu di dalam tetap terjaga.karna pada dasarnya pc maupun laptop termasuk elektronik yang menggunakan listrik dan listrik menghasilkan panas.

7. Update os

Banyak orang tidak menghiraukan hal ini pada saat menginstal OS dengan bermacam alasan,padahal meng-update sebuah os memiliki peranan vital.
dengan meng-update os maka kita memperbaiki kekurangan dan kelemahan yang ada pada os itu sendiri secara automatis.

8. Backup system

Lakukan backup system pc atau laptop anda secara berkala.dengan melakukan hal ini kita tidak perlu khawatir jika suatu saat system yang kita gunakan rusak atau data yang ada hilang,
maka kita sudah punya data cadangan nya.

9. Penambahan hardware

Hal ini adalah pilihan terakhir pada saat kebutuhan sebuah system pada pc/laptop anda sudah tidak mencukupi (overload).
seperti melakukan penambahan harddisk atau memory ram. jika budget anda memungkinkan gunakanlah harddisk external atau flashdisk untuk penyimpanan data yang tidak berhubungan dengan system atau program anda
seperti menyimpan file office,musik,foto,atau film yang membutuhkan media yang besar sehingga requirement system anda tidak terganggu

28 Desember 2012



internet download manager full

Internet Download Manager (IDM) 

is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, resume and schedule downloads. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download accelerator, and many others.
Version 6.14 adds Windows 8 compatibility, adds IDM download panel for web-players that can be used to download flash videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Videos. It also features complete Windows 7 and Vista support, YouTube grabber, redeveloped scheduler, and MMS protocol support. The new version also adds improved integration for IE 10 and IE based browsers, redesigned and enhanced download engine, the unique advanced integration into all latest browsers, improved toolbar, and a wealth of other improvements and new features.

Get the new idm version here : http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html


23 Desember 2012

2 About Alexa

How To Get Alexa Index..?

Alexa is a site that provides information about the traffic of a blog. Alexa Page Rank can be used as an overview of the number of visitors who come to the blog and recorded by Alexa. Keep in mind, that the ranking of a blog, Alexa Page Rank and Google Page Rank is different. the smaller Alexa page rank ,the blog is getting better and if a blog Rank Alexa rank is high, then the worse. While Google Page Rank is the opposite than the Alexa Page Rank, the bigger ranking Google Page Rank of a blog, the blog was quite nice blog.
Now you know what is meant by Alexa Page Rank and Alexa Page Rank of usability, so your next step is to enter the Alexa Page Rank to the blog so that you can know the ratings your blog in the eyes of Alexa (weve all people wearing eye) ..LoL.. To enter the Alexa Page Rank to your blog, you can follow the steps below:

1. Visit these URL: http://www.alexa.com/
2. Click Create an Account
3. Fill Form Registration
4. Click For Site Owner
5. Click Site Widgets
6. There are 3 choices alexa, select the one that fits on your blog
7. Enter the URL of your blog and then click Build Widget
8. Copy and then Paste the HTML code into your blog.
9. Completed.

You already have the Alexa HTML code to be inserted into the blog, the next step you can enter the code in your blog.

22 Desember 2012

2 How To Claim Blog on Technorati

submit blog to technorati search engine
How to claim your blog at Technorati directory, previously let us discuss what is Technorati? Definitely have to know right? Okey .. Technorati is a search engine (search engine) specifically for the popular blog created by Dave Sifry, launched in November 2002. We have had a lot of even millions of blogs in the world listed on the site, as a large community site is one source to get visitors / traffic, the reason why we have to register our blog on Technorati as well as to attract visitors of this site as well can be used as a tool to seek links from other blogs that have the theme (niche) of the same. Technorati is also a fairly popular blog directory and a directory of favorite bloggers to improve pagerank and traffic, well now the question is how to claim your blog in Technorati? exactly how its spelled claim tricky but if you want a really serious and conscientious certainly be fine.
How to Claim Blog on Technorati
  • Log in Technorati, I have not got an account please make first
  • Enter the address of your blog in order to claim and complete the necessary data
  • Technorati will then send a reply email to your email containing the claim token, see example below

This is an automatically-generated email.
"Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. Technorati will need to verify that you are an author of the site http://tutor-kompi.blogspot.com by looking for a unique code. We have just assigned the claim token 5ZBPTKPB7U7K to this claim. Please visit http://technorati.com/account/ for more details, Including how to use the claim token. Thank you."

  • Then go to your blog and make a new post on Technorati to include a token code (eg token: code red)
  • Publish your new post
  • Back to site Technorati and click "Verify Claim Token"
  • Then wait a few moments and then Technorati will to claim your blog by sending email to your inbox
This is an automatically-generated email.Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. We have successfully crawled your blog and found the claim token, and your claim is now awaiting review."
After claim then your blog will be reviewed by Technorati and the blog will be entered in the directory


technorati is an internet search engineHow to get PageRank and speed "blog traffic", only for my friend who wanted a higher PageRank and are very much blog traffic instantly. How to increase PageRank fast speed or traffic blog is a way to spread links using Multi Level Marketing system? Sounds weird huh? But potent know .. do not believe? These tips prove for you .. "How to Increase Pagerank" or another language SEO Techniques
This time I want my friends tried it invites all to take advantage of the awesomeness factor of time and the speed of the spread of this in the form of TECHNORATI.

Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs. By June 2008, Technorati was indexing 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media.[3] The name Technorati is a blend of the words technology and literati, which invokes the notion of technological intelligence or intellectualism.
Technorati was founded by Dave Sifry, with its headquarters in San Francisco, California, USA. Tantek Çelik was the site's Chief Technologist.
Technorati uses and contributes to open source software. Technorati has an active software developer community, many of them from open-source culture. Sifry is a major open-source advocate and was a founder of LinuxCare and later of Wi-Fi access point software developer Sputnik. Technorati includes a public developers' wiki, where developers and contributors collaborate, also various open APIs.
The site won the SXSW 2006 awards for Best Technical Achievement and Best of Show.[4] It was nominated for a 2006 Webby Award for Best Practices, but lost to Flickr and Google Maps.[5] Technorati was recognized as one of the “2010 Hottest San Francisco Companies” by Lead411
Technorati was founded to help bloggers succeed by collecting, highlighting, and distributing the global online conversation.Well I will show you how to index your blog at Technorati at next posting 5ZBPTKPB7U7K

0 When The Legend Say about Security

Security tips from a legendary hacker

Kevin Mitnick was once the "most wanted" computer hacker in the world. After being nabbed by the FBI and doing his time, Mitnick became one of the good guys, helping businesses understand and address information security weaknesses and threats.

Mitnick, now a leading consultant and speaker on the subject of information security, and author of the New York Times best-seller Ghost in The Wires, spoke with me about the most serious threats of which every business should be aware. Mitnick says that these issues aren't just concerns for large corporations -- small companies face the same challenges, and dealing with them effectively doesn't require massive resources or IT departments. Here are the top threats, and some tools small businesses can use to address them:

Attacks are becoming more complex

The threat: Attackers have become more sophisticated, and it's often extremely difficult to detect an intrusion until after the damage is done. "Hacker gangs," often operating overseas, have acquired online banking credentials and wired funds out of corporate accounts, or stolen intellectual property, with little or no detection.

The solution: There are several solutions on the market for small- and medium-sized businesses. Cisco (CSCO) and others offer integrated services routers (ISR), which integrate routing, firewalling, intrusion detection, VoIP solutions and wireless networking, at a low cost (entry level models run around $1,000). There are more robust systems for larger enterprises, but ISR provides good baseline protection for smaller businesses.

The risk landscape is increasingly difficult to understand

The threat: Attacks are evolving every day, making it crucial -- and difficult -- to keep up with current hacker methodologies. As a result, thousands of systems are compromised every week. We often hear about distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks carried out by "botnets" of compromised computers. Hackers use similar techniques to gain access to small business computers, where they can access financial and other information, perpetrate theft and do all kinds of other damage.

The solution: Small businesses are increasingly putting many of their system functions in "the Cloud," where they can be kept up-to-date in real time. In these situations, it is critical to clearly outline expectations regarding application and data security in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

If the necessary technical expertise is not available in-house, enlist the services of a security consultant or qualified IT specialist. Companies like Mitnick's offer advisory services and implementation of the best practices and solutions for keeping up-to-date on threats. For many companies, a modest investment in this kind of expertise can save them from far more costly problems down the road.

Outgoing network traffic can be as dangerous as inbound

The threat: Most businesses have some type of firewall for incoming traffic, but few address potentially risky outgoing connections from their own workstations. This is a major shortcoming, because a user's computer may become infected with malware that connects back to the attacker. According to Mitnick, antivirus software is only 60 percent effective at detecting and eliminating malicious code.

The solution: Reduce the number of services a user can connect to outside the company by configuring the firewall to restrict outgoing traffic to what's necessary for business operations. The ISR solutions mentioned above facilitate this type of configuration.

Desktop software is often out of date

The threat: Hackers used to focus solely on exploiting security flaws at the server level, but this has changed, and individual desktops are now common targets. One of the reasons this is appealing to hackers is that businesses rarely update the client application software that resides on individual workstations. Small businesses can be particularly easy marks for these kinds of attacks.

The solution: Products like Secunia's Corporate Software Inspector automate software updates on user desktops. These updates are as important as applying software and security patches for the operating system, as out-of-date software significantly increases the risk of a security breach. Products like the Secunia application can cost a couple-thousand dollars, but again, the investment has to be weighed against the risk.

Humans can be the biggest problem

The threat: The biggest risks to information security are people. Studies have shown that most security incidents start from within, and are usually accidental. Sophisticated attacks use "social engineering" (predicting or manipulating human behavior) to trigger the exploitation of desktop application security flaws.

The solution: Constantly reinforce to employees the dangers of opening attachments and clicking links sent in email, messenger applications and posts on social networking sites. All it takes is one person making a bad decision to compromise the entire business. One clever and effective strategy for keeping employees on their toes is simulating attacks (similar to a surprise military drill), using an Internet Security Awareness Training program, which costs about $15 per person per year.

Of course, these are just quick snapshots of key threats and tools. It's a big and complex subject (Mitnick has filled three books on it so far), but these are great starting steps for most small companies. As Mitnick says, "The most important point is that computer and information security is not, and can never be, a one-size-fits all-solution."

By : MICHAEL HESS / MONEYWATCH/ December 19, 2011/

0 IDM 6.14 FULL

Internet Download Manager (IDM) adalah alat untuk meningkatkan kecepatan download  sampai 5 kali, melanjutkan dan jadwal mingguan. Comprehensive error recovery dan melanjutkan kemampuan akan restart download rusak atau terputus karena kehilangan koneksi, masalah jaringan, komputer shutdowns, atau listrik padam tak terduga. Antarmuka pengguna grafis sederhana membuat IDM user friendly dan mudah untuk use.Internet Download Manager memiliki logika download accelerator cerdas yang segmentasi file fitur cerdas dinamis dan teknologi download multipart aman untuk mempercepat download Anda. Tidak seperti manajer download lain dan akselerator segmen Internet Download Manager file secara dinamis selama proses download dan menggunakan kembali sambungan tersedia tanpa menghubungkan dan login langkah tambahan untuk mencapai kinerja percepatan terbaik.Internet Download Manager mendukung proxy server, ftp dan protokol http, firewall, pengalihan, cookies, otorisasi, MP3 audio dan pengolahan isi video MPEG. IDM diintegrasikan ke dalam Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, dan semua browser populer lainnya untuk secara otomatis menangani download Anda. Anda juga dapat drag dan drop file, atau menggunakan Internet Download Manager dari baris perintah. Internet Download Manager dapat dial modem Anda pada waktu yang ditetapkan, download file yang Anda inginkan, kemudian menggantung atau bahkan mematikan komputer Anda bila dilakukan.Fitur lainnya termasuk dukungan multibahasa, zip preview, download kategori, scheduler pro, suara di berbagai aktivitas, dukungan HTTPS, prosesor antrian, membantu dan tutorial html, perlindungan virus ditingkatkan di download selesai, download progresif dengan kuota (berguna untuk koneksi yang menggunakan beberapa jenis kebijakan akses yang adil atau FAP seperti Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, dll), built-in download accelerator, dan banyak lainnya.Versi 6.14 menambahkan kompatibilitas Windows 8, menambahkan panel IDM download untuk web-pemain yang dapat digunakan untuk men-download flash video dari situs seperti YouTube, MySpaceTV, dan Google Video. Ia juga memiliki dukungan lengkap Windows 7 dan Vista, YouTube grabber, dipugar scheduler, dan MMS dukungan protokol. Versi baru juga menambahkan integrasi ditingkatkan untuk IE dan browser berbasis 10 IE, didesain ulang dan ditingkatkan mesin download, integrasi maju unik ke dalam semua browser terbaru, toolbar ditingkatkan. 
Buat sobat para pecinta IDM bisa download versi terbaru nya di link dibawah ini :http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html  
Untuk cara Instalasi nya bisa anda lihat disini : INSTAL IDM FULL TANPA CRACK/PATCH 

4 Instal IDM FULL


internet download manager
IDM atau Internet Download Manager adalah tools Download Fungsi IDM itu untuk membantu mendownload. jika sudah download IDM, biasanya kamu akan diberikan free trial selama 30 hari, sepertinya tidak keren. Maka, sekarang kita akan "memaksa" supaya IDM ini full version. Yang pastinya tanpa patch, sehingga jika ingin update IDM langsung saja dari IDM-nya, tidak perlu memakai patch-patch segala. Ini masih berfungsi sampai sekarang saya mengupdate postingan ini.
Jadi, Baiklah langsung saja bagaimana  

Cara Mudah Membuat IDM Full Version Tanpa Crack/Patch :

  • 1. Langkah pertama, matikan koneksi internetmu.
  • 2. Install IDM tersebut seperti biasa, biasanya setelah finish disuruh restart atau reboot, pilih ok saja.
  • 3. Setelah hidup kembali buka IDM tersebut.
  • 4. Setelah membuka IDM tersebut pilih menu help, terus about IDM. Maka kalian akan melihat IDM kalian masih trial.
  • 5. Setelah itu, pilih menu registration (sampai tahap ini, koneksi internet harus benar-benar mati).
  • 6. Isikan nama depan, nama belakang, e-mail secara asal atau apalah, kemudian masukan serial number yang udah di download.
  • 7. Maka IDM akan meberi tahu bahwa serial number tersebut invalid, biarkan saja.8. Nah sekarang kita akan "membuat" IDM tersebut agar full version.
  • 9. Buka file hosts yang berada di C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc dengan menggunakan NOTEPAD. Kalau tidak ada berartifile tersebut ke-hidden. Untuk menampilkannya caranya : Klik Tools > Folder Options > Pilih tab View > cari Hidden Files and Folders > klik Show Hidden Files and Folders > Apply > Ok.
  • 10. Jangan lupa untuk mengganti security setting pada file hosts yang kita buka dengan cara :> Klik Kanan > Pilih Properties > Pilih Tab Security > User > Edit > Cek List all >ok11. Setelah buka dengan NOTEPAD maka akan terlihat di barisan bawah ada tulisan localhost.12. Copy Paste kode semua berikut ini : tonec.com www.tonec.com registeridm.com www.internetdownloadmanager.com secure.registeridm.com internetdownloadmanager.com secure.internetdownloadmanager.com www.secure.internetdownloadmanager.com/buy_idm.html?v=614 secure.internetdownloadmanager.com/buy_idm.html?v=614 mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com/ mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com/ mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com www.mirror3.internetdownloadmanager.com/ seperti ini :cara instal idm full seriallalu save13.Setelah selesai buka idm mu , klik help > About untuk memeriksa apakah status registrasibukti aktivasi idm

Note: Pastikan Koneksi Internet mu Mati selama proses instalasi dan registrasi selesai 

untuk yang belum punya idm dan serial number nya bisa download dari link yang ada dibawah iniDownload IDM Terbaru 6.14 build 2Serial Number Idm TerbaruSerial number idm terbaru


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